The Defenders print

$105.00 - $475.00

A giclee reproduction of the painting seen on HGTV's show, Property Brothers, "Fit for a Family" episode.

Print Options:


•24"x30" stretched canvas $475

The canvas print is a high quality, high resolution image printed on a cotton/poly blend canvas, and then stretched around a wooden frame. The canvas is 1.5" deep. The sides of the canvas are printed as well, yielding a clean piece of art that is ready to hang. Canvases are made upon order, and so please expect about 3 weeks for delivery.


•12"x15" fine art paper $105

The paper print is a high quality, high resolution print on PremierArt Generations Alise Museum Grade Fine Art Paper. The size listed denotes actual image size, there is a 1" wide (approximately) white border around the image. The title of the piece and artist's signature are written in pencil on the white border below the image, so they can be included or excluded in framing. Paper prints ship in a tube through USPS, and are fully insured and trackable.

Ships for free to the contiguous US